Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Moved, Twins, Stay @ Home, etc.

My name is Raisa and my family and I just moved to beautiful Colorado. My husband will be attending doctoral studies and we have decided I will take care of our beautiful twin boys: Diego and Sebastian.

At this point in the day, early afternoon, lots of bottles have been fed, lots of bottles have been washed, lots of diapers have been changed, lots of little messes have been made (mostly at the hands of my husband and me). And in between I am attempting to write this blog. Write one sentence - change a diaper - another sentence - feed two babies - another sentence - put them down to a nap - another sentence - one 0f them cries/ or maybe both. So if overall this blog doesn't make much sense, just bear with me as I try to make this work ;).

Aside from being a place where I can come and share what goes on, I hope to share interesting links or stories, keep my family updated on D&S experiences and just enjoy being part of the blogging community. I look forward to hearing from you!

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